Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sunday, January 27, 2008
Is it just me or there's internet connection problem with Maxis? I heard some people's Streamyx also giving them a hell load of shits... And what pisses me off is it's not just a day or two... It's been more than multiple occasions I've been getting this.....
Everything seems to be ok with Google though... Weird... it's when I try to load other sites, like Neopets, Friendster, Facebook, Wiki, IMDB, etc... it just can't LOAD properly... and most of the time FAILS..... What the fook kin min?
And I am paying like RM138 EVERY MONTH to get this kind of service??? You think it's nice to keep seeing the error message "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" and the stupid white color boxes with red "x" in the middle???
Maybe I should cancel my subscription... I'm getting very busy nowadays too... Hmmm...
The hell with all the ISPs in Malaysia... I can't imagine how many YEARS we behind other countries in this area... TOTALLY SUCKS... Have you ever downloaded a 700MB movie in 10 mins? I have... in Hong Kong... and tell me... how many DAYS, on the average, did it take for you to do that here?
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Hi Friends! Phew.... am I glad it's Saturday and Sunday tomorrow! Had been real busy, working from 7am to 10pm almost every day, rushing for stuffs, especially this coming 20th to 23rd Jan company meeting in Port Dickson. It's going to be at Avillion, and heard that it's a real cool place! Can't wait to check it out. The description by the hotel of itself below sound good huh?
Imagine private beach, imagine seven finger piers reaching out into sea, imagine accomodations where the sea is beneath you and the sky above, imagine absolute tranquility, imagine sheer peacefulness, imagine pure relaxation, imagine charming atmosphere and imagine enchanting moments... this is no dream, this is AVILLION.
Anyways, I'm really happy because my darling baby is BACK! Woooooohooooooo........... *undescribable joy*
Will update more when I am more free... have a great weekend friends!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Hi Friends... yah, I know... it's really late, I am damn tired, I should be sleeping, got a hectic week and the next week ahead too... got lots of stuffs to blog about, but why am I, at 1:43am on a Tuesday morning still want to blog this...
I learnt from a colleague and also a friend in Singapore (I was there today), that her 85-year-old dad's in critical condition... main health problem is Alzheimer's... 4th (last) stage... and IT'S SOOOOOO SAD...... he can't even recognize anyone in the family anymore...... *tears forming*
Imagine your beloved dad, don't even recognize you as his son or daughter anymore........ I think that's worse than him passing away........ so sad......
Well...... I believe God is a God of miracles. I believe that He who created the heavens and the earth can restore back to and create a new and healthy nervous system and memory for her dad. I believe that there is nothing that God can't do or too difficult for Him. I believe that God has ordained man's time on earth to be 120 years. I believe that God loves him a lot, and has compassion on him and CAN and ALREADY healed him on the cross. Thank You Jesus!
I'm going to devote 30mins everyday to pray for her dad. I just have that burden to do that. It's simply unthinkable if my dad was her dad... oh Lord... thank You that my dad has excellent and divine health!
I'm going to pray until something happens...... or until God tells me to stop!
If you are a believer reading this post right now, I would appreciate it if you could just pray a simple prayer, even something simple like "Bless Mr Yip Lord" also can. I also believe in the power of AGREEMENT. Lord Jesus, You said that “Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. [Matthew 18:19 (NKJV)] This is what You promised us Lord, and Your Word is as good as DONE! Thank You Jesus!
On behalf of my friend, I appreciate you supporting her, her dad and family in prayer. Thanks! Your reward is great in heaven and on earth.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
I was talking to one of my new colleagues, and found out that she just broke up with her fiancé. She was not feeling very down, as it was an "expected" breakup, you know the numbers - quarrel almost everyday, and almost everything also got something to quarrel about. She was pessimistic about ever finding the "right one".
Can't blame her, really. I was in her shoes a couple of years ago so I could identify with her feelings. Besides, I DO have a handful of girl friends who are still in the search mode.
So I really want to thank God that at the right time, at the right place, He has led me to my darling. She's not just "right" for me... she's perfect. You know a jigsaw puzzle? Every piece is a perfect fit. Every part of our lives is like that piece of a jigsaw puzzle. Even in the area of life partner. Sometimes, in life, we found a really nice looking piece, and in the beginning, it "fits" really nicely, or rather "looks" and "feels" really nice on the puzzle board. But when you start to fill up all the other pieces, you found out that that piece doesn't really FIT into the whole puzzle. It's just not part of the whole puzzle, or picture. And some of us, like me, takes in several of these pieces along our life, and get discouraged and confused, wondering where is that final piece that will complete the whole puzzle or picture.
Well, fret not, because God's plan is always perfect. And He makes all things beautiful in His time. Instead of worrying and wondering when and where and who is that life partner will come into your life, why not let God fill up that "missing" piece in your life. Whether he places a life-partner-piece in your life or not, it doesn't matter, because you will never be disappointed when He fills up that part of your life. And at the meantime, work on BEING the perfect piece. I DO NOT believe that not a single person on this Earth is attracted to you AND is the "right one" for you. Sometimes, it just takes a bit of trust, courage and openness to finding that person. And besides, there ARE books and articles you can read up to improve your attractiveness. No matter what, STAY POSITIVE. Keep focused on Jesus' love. And also do your own part too. That person is definitely not going to drop down from heaven. And God will not make that person come and talk to you. Hello! Wake up! If you are waiting, and he is waiting, then probably that's why you are still waiting... LOL Please forgive some really stupid dumbass guys who's got no guts to approach girls. But hey, this is the 21st century. I think it is a lame excuse to blame it on guys who never made any move on girls. Sometimes, you just need some mindset-cleansing to get rid of whatever societal "rules" or "traditions". No time? Come on... we all got 24 hours. Did God give extra hours to those who are engaged or in a relationship? Of course not, right? No time? Then MAKE some time for it. If you have 5 mins to read this post, don't tell me you don't have 5 mins to go talk to some guy. It doesn't have to take 1 hour or 2 hours ok. Make it short and sweet and leave the guy wanting for somemore. LOL... And what's with the PAST, huh? What does a failure or 2 (or 3 for me) in the PAST got to do with your chances of SUCCESS now? Don't ever let your PAST hold you back from moving forward. And don't ever HANG ON to someone who don't give a damn whether you are alive or not. Ooppss... maybe that was too crude, or too harsh, but you know I am right. I have yet to meet any friend who WAITED and WAITED and WAITED for the person, and eventually succeeded and got together with that person he/she waited for years. And besides, if you really like and care about someone, would YOU keep that person waiting?
I think I shall keyboard off here. Said a lot of stuffs already. And it is up to you to take it or leave it. Oh well... all the best and never give up! Gambate!
Monday, January 07, 2008
Jennifer Cannon and Doy Nichols "walk down the aisle" after they exchanged wedding vows at the Charmin Restrooms, a free public restroom facility in Times Square, in New York, December 19, 2007. The bride's dress was made from 7 rolls of toilet paper. The Rev. Debra Ann Romano of Rentareverend.com officiated (L).REUTERS/Ray Stubblebine (UNITED STATES)
What the??? How cheapskate can you get? In a WEDDING somemore... tsk tsk tsk... I don't think they spend anything close to RM500 lor... for a wedding... LMBO
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Last Friday night, just about 9pm, before I left office, I felt a needle-poking pain in my left heel. I didn't bother, cos I thought maybe it's just a small pebble or something else. It went away, and then came back at an unpredictable timing. So when I removed my socks, I tried to look at it but it is at an area very difficult to see. I told myself I guess I gotta go back home, go in front of the mirror and
So after I got home, I took a pair of tweezers and a blade and went in front of my toilet mirror. And what the hell I still can't see that thing properly. I contemplated going to SJMC, but was a bit lazy, cos it's almost 11pm and I had a 10am flight to JB the next day. After talking to my darling, I decided that I had to go SJMC, in case it get infected or worse. And it is definitely NOT FUN to experience needle-poking pain now and then while walking. IT SUCKS BIG TIME!
So after waiting for the MO at SJMC for about 30mins, the Indian lady MO took a look at it and told me I would have to come back Monday morning and have it removed by an orthopaedic. She said currently, they can remove it but would have to do "exploration", which, in layman terms mean cutting and digging for the foreign object. According to her, if I have it removed by the orthopaedic, it would take less than 15mins cos he/she has the special equipments to do that, and less damages to my heel. I was thinking... WHAT THE? Wait until Monday??? And definitely the bill will be higher lor, if see the ortho specialist eventhough my company's paying for everything. So I told her I will take the risk of more pain and more damages to my heels and have the thing removed there and then and not wait until Monday. And guess what? She so irresponsibly pushed my case to another doctor on call that night, Dr Chew, a Chinese guy doctor. I heard what she said over the phone - I have 6 cases waiting for me now... bla bla bla... and dunno what nots lah. DUNNO HOW TO DO or LAZY TO DO tell me straighforwardly lah! Apa lah... Somemore I was charged RM50++ for MO services (her part) in the final bill. What crap huh?
When I was directly to the ER where Dr Chew is on call, I was number 4 in the queue, so I waited and waited and waited lor. There were 2 emergency cases - a childbirth and a lady claiming she vomitted 5 to 6 times in the past 1 hour. Eventually, it turned out that I was the last case for the night. So at about 1:40am, I was attended to by Dr Chew. Quite a nice guy, seriously, and very professional, unlike the urgh... whatever.
So after he took a look at the thing (Can you see it? It's the reddish area with a black colour thing in the middle):

He told me what he needs to do. He will at first apply local anaesthetics, to numb the area, before beginning the "exploration". Ok, I said, no problem. Big deal, I thought, until I saw the needle and the syringe! Man! How BIG could a needle get?!?!? Ok, nevermind. Be brave, John, BE BOLD AND COURAGEOUS! So he poked the needle deep into my heel, about 5mm below the foreign object. And dunno what he did, he sort of moved the needle sideways and lifted my skin up with the needle... Yah, I know..... OOOOOWWWWWWW! Well, I didn't cry out lor... in fact I didn't even make a sound, except for my leg that was twitching, because of the excruciating pain OK! It was amazing I managed to mantain my cool through out that needle experience. After like a few seconds, he said don't look, testing ah... so I looked away, and he asked... feel anything? I said no, and a few more times. Wow, that was fast, I exclaimed. The anaesthetics worked damn fast lor. The circular area around the object was totally numb.
Ok, here comes the bloody part. So he took an evil-looking size 11 blade and made 2 incisions and afterwards tried to dig out the object. Of course blood oozed out easily from the incisions. I think I must have lost around 12ml of blood. Anyways, he said oh, look, the thing is breaking into smaller pieces. I was like, oh shit... more digging??? Anyways, no pain lor. But thank God the longer piece was eventually taken out. So what was it? Here is the pic I took:
So the final part was to stitch back my incisions, and he used 2 stitches to seal back the opened skin. So finally, this is how my heel looked like (pic taken just a few mins ago - see the black colour threads?):
So when I finally reached home, it was 2 something. And another thought raced through my mind. What about my event in JB? I am having a Round Table Talk at a Chinese restaurant in JB with 7 Paeds and 1 O&G. Honestly, I didn't feel like going lor... Imagine how much walking I have to do! Walk to the check-in counter, walk to the plane, walk to the taxi, bla bla berlalah! And it is also the first time I am conducting a RTT... usually, I will do a CME, which is like no sweat for me... but this is a first loh... Besides, I hardly knew any of the Paeds or O&Gs in JB loh... Sigh... decisions... decisions... even at 7:30am, 30mins before the taxi driver show up at my house, I was still contemplating on go or no go. Finally I decided to go lor... better be responsible... and suffer a little bit lor...
I wondered how did I look like... John the Limp... sigh... but that was a totally no fun experience.
The RTT went well. Most of the doctors were friendly... and everyone is still discussing about Datuk Chua... I heard a lot of juicy stuffs that you don't get on the news... but for Datuk Chua's sake, I think he has received enough of the consequences of his actions. Let's not continue punishing him, shall we? Do I think he's wrong? Of course he's wrong for having an affair, but you don't have to keep unearthing his sin that is already buried and covered when he had already admitted and apologised for it. We don't have to trust him and accept him now, but doesn't mean we should continue to make fun of him and criticize him. The man made a mistake. David made a mistake. Abraham made a mistake. Let's move on. And I definitely have no interest in looking at that hotel rendezvous between a 60 yr old man and a lady half his age. It's sick ok. I dunno what kick people get out of watching things like that... sick bastards.
Anyways, I almost missed my 7am flight back to KL this morning! Thank God the taxi fellow waited for me. I told him 6am and I only woke up at that time! I managed to pack up, check out and leave at 6:30am. Thank God for the INEFFICIENCY of MAS, when I arrived at Pintu 1 at 6:50am, they have not even announced the ready-to-board yet! Phew...
After reaching home at 9, took a nap till 11, and still managed to attend the 2nd service limpingly... phew...... Thank You Jesus for such an eventful weekend! Thank You for a great week ahead and thank You that it's only 8 more days to see my darling again! Yay!
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Hi Friends! Though the feelings above were sequential events that took place the past 2 days, I still have a dose of each in my blood now... LOL
I was happy because yesterday morning, before I went back to work for the 1st day for 2008 and after a long break, I completed another 10K run, at 5:43am. Minus 79 minutes, you'll know what time I actually started running... LOL
Yeah, it was UNCANNY and a bit crazy to go run at that kindof hour but what to do? After work is NOT a good choice because of:
1. Too many cars
2. Air very polluted
3. I won't have the energy or the mood to push
4. I might not be able to sleep well
5. I WILL be hungry! Can't run after eating dinner, can I?
So ANYWAYS, ooppss I did it again, another 10K albeit the time is 10 mins slower than my previous 10K. But I consider it quite good lor... considering the long lapse in training a few weeks back. And I didn't had any pain in my knees! Thank You Jesus! Looking forward to my next 10K in... 3 month's time?
Tired... yups... super super tired... I dunno I wished how many zillion times I was STILL ON LEAVE! Then I would take a real nice nap after the 10K run until noon, eat a hearty lunch and maybe take a real good afternoon nap! LOL
THANK GOD for His strength... I was able to complete quite a lot of tasks at work.
Aha! The surprise!
Well, I was talking to one of my new colleagues who just joined a few months back. I knew she was my batch of student at UPM, although different courses. I did nutrition, of course, and she was in biomedic. Both courses were under the same Medicine Faculty. I didn't know her back then, neither did I know anyone much back in uni. But I did notice who were who, since we do have a couple of similar courses/subjects that we needed to complete. And I vaguely remember her face.
But all that wasn't the surprise. I am definitely not surprised by seeing her joining Wyeth as a rep, since I had seen many ex-coursemates and UPM-mates join Wyeth and left. So what was the surprise?